Signs / boards

  • An easy way to convey your message
  • Wide selection of materials
  • Affordable solution

We produce various signs for public areas (information stands, construction information, notice boards) as well as for private use (for example, photo printing on boards).

It’s most common to print graphics on a 5 mm PVC board (a light, durable and affordable solution), but there are also composite materials, foam boards and honeycomb panels for various signs and boards.

Depending on the lifespan of the sign, you can select long-term (polymeric) films, and the graphics can also be laminated. The laminates we use are UV-resistant and last for years (5 years minimum). The laminates we use are UV-resistant and last for years (5 years minimum).

We produce signs and boards with the most up-to-date Roland printers, which ensures that the result is of high quality and long-lasting.